Bulk Timesheets Template
This screen allows the user to create a Timesheet template which is used in the generation of online Timesheets.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- For Employee Timesheets to be enabled, the completed template must be attached to the Employee Group Profile in the Security module.
Rules and Guidelines
- The list of Payment Codes displayed represents the complete list of Payment Codes for the company used in the template.
- Pay codes can be selected to be included in any Bulk Timesheet generated using the template. Any pay code included will appear in the sequence order defined against the pay code. If two or more pay codes are assigned the same sequence number, they will then be sequenced alphabetically. The sequence is optional and will default to the sequence in which the pay codes are selected.
- Selected pay codes will show at the top of the list.
Field Information
Input the 10-character code for the name of the template being created.
This field displays the description of the template.
Select the company the Timesheet is being created for from the dropdown.
This tick box controls the visibility of the Total row on the Bulk Timesheets Entry screen. Check this tick box to display the Total.
This field enables the user to edit the rate that will be used for the calculation of the Timesheet value. If this is used, the payment codes required are to be a type 'P'.
This field enables managers and administrators to override the 'Totals' value to use rather than the 'Automated Calculated' value.
Select from the dropdown the type of template to use. Code 'E' is for Expense and 'T' for Timesheet.
This field displays the pay code/s available for the company selected.
This field displays the description of the pay code.
This field specifies if the pay code is a 'Payment' or a 'Deduction'.
This field displays the pay code type. Do not allow 'Rate' to be overridden for anything other than 'P' type codes.
If ticked, this pay code will be added to the template.
Select the sequence in which the columns will appear in the template.